Our luxurious cat suites are large, airy and fun to be in, whether our feline guests are staying with us for the weekend or a few weeks.
Complete with six foot climbing gyms, scratching posts, cushioned ‘cave’ beds, reverse cycle air-conditioning, and plenty of toys, your best friend will be suitably entertained and comforted during their stay.
Each suite has a private outdoor area and fresh cat grass and catnip can be supplied for the pleasure of our feline guests upon request.
Our spacious suites can easily accommodate two large cats from the same family and each cat will be provided with their own comfortable bed to sleep on. You are welcome to bring their own blanket if they sleep with something they cannot part with. Please ensure it is cleaned and labelled.
Cat suites are cleaned and serviced at least twice daily. We use Australian made kitty litter that is environmentally friendly and safe for soft cat paws, dust free and contains no nasty chemicals.
Meal times
At FurKids Retreat, we watch over your pet carefully to ensure they eat and drink well during their stay. Meals are served inside the suites to ensure all cats receive their own food and we can keep records on how much they are eating.
We have never found a fussy eater who doesn’t eat our meals and treats, however we do understand some cats need to be on special diets for various reasons. If you would like to provide your own food you are very welcome and this can be arranged at the time of booking.
We only serve top quality food here at FurKids Retreat:
- Our guests receive one main meal a day and meal time is usually mid-afternoon
- We provide a variety of meal options and we will determine the best option for your beloved pet during your ‘Meet and Greet’ session
- The main meal consists of veterinarian-approved meat
- We use top quality produce, low in fat, nutritious, gluten free and celiac friendly
- No preservatives, colours, flavours or additives
- Our feline guests are offered biscuits to graze on all day
- All guests are offered homemade chicken treats at least three or four times throughout the day
- If you’d prefer to provide your own cat food, you are welcome to do so.
Pamper time

Offering our guests cuddles and ample play time is our speciality here at FurKids Retreat.
Every day of their stay your pet will be offered oodles of cuddles. We provide clean and safe cat-appropriate toys and balls to play with, including some great climbing frames and scratching poles.
We also understand our feline guests are sometimes in ‘just leave me alone’ mode, and will respond accordingly. Be assured your cat will be offered plenty of love and active time as well as quality rest time during their stay.